water mill residence olympia place lexington residence utah sculpture garden yarmouth residence coastal residence munjoy heights main line residence
mishaum point bright built home riyadh 360 - business park artist residence anderson street friends school monument residence Jacaranda Avenue


Soren deNiord Design Studio (SDDS) is a professional landscape design firm located in Portland, Maine.  With over 15 years of experience we’ve worked on a award winning projects ranging from residential design and public art to state
land planning.  As stewards of the environment and our clients’ resources, we engage in projects with a commitment to sustainability and the intention of artfully responding to each site’s unique challenges.


Our design approach is rooted in a quest for quiddity.  
Quiddity [kwid-i-tee] by definition is the true nature of something…its “whatness”. We begin each project by gathering information (client values, empirical data, cultural research, and personal experience) in an effort to understand the whole 
of a design problem. This process allows us to make relevant connections and frame the design in its appropriate context. With this aggregate of knowledge we then test and eliminate non-essential elements / inconsistencies so that the essence (quiddity) reveals itself in a pure artful form. 

contact: soren@sorendeniord.com

resume: PDF



  43 WELLWOOD ROAD  PORTLAND Maine 04103  2074002450